FRENCH FRY is a vintage and lifestyle shop specializing in high end and designer pieces. The shop is curated and co-owned by graphic designer Kyla Elisabeth www.kylaelisabeth.com & stylist / vintage connoisseur Isabelle Elsliger @isabellelsliger. We are currently based in New York City, Montreal and Toronto.

We collaborate with photographers, artists and models throughout Canada & USA, providing professional styling and editorial services. FRENCH FRY also offers high end consignment and preservation.

Our team participates in numerous POP UP shops across North America and are always on the look out for new venues to partake in. We also have stores carrying select pieces and are always looking for new partners!


Republic of French Fry is a small start up out of New York City expanded to Montreal and now, Toronto. An online retail space designed and run by us at www.shopfrenchfry.com. Co-owner of & graphic designer for French Fry, 2013 to Present  | Photography, Merch and Design x Kyla Elisabeth 
